Antique Vintage Old

Old Vintage Antique Gems Jewelry Beautiful Color Banded Agate Stone Bead Pendant

Old Vintage Antique Gems Jewelry Beautiful Color Banded Agate Stone Bead Pendant
Old Vintage Antique Gems Jewelry Beautiful Color Banded Agate Stone Bead Pendant
Old Vintage Antique Gems Jewelry Beautiful Color Banded Agate Stone Bead Pendant
Old Vintage Antique Gems Jewelry Beautiful Color Banded Agate Stone Bead Pendant
Old Vintage Antique Gems Jewelry Beautiful Color Banded Agate Stone Bead Pendant
Old Vintage Antique Gems Jewelry Beautiful Color Banded Agate Stone Bead Pendant
Old Vintage Antique Gems Jewelry Beautiful Color Banded Agate Stone Bead Pendant
Old Vintage Antique Gems Jewelry Beautiful Color Banded Agate Stone Bead Pendant
Old Vintage Antique Gems Jewelry Beautiful Color Banded Agate Stone Bead Pendant

Old Vintage Antique Gems Jewelry Beautiful Color Banded Agate Stone Bead Pendant    Old Vintage Antique Gems Jewelry Beautiful Color Banded Agate Stone Bead Pendant

Legend of the Dzi beads. The Dzi bead itself has mythological and legendary elements. During those early years when Tibet was overwhelmed by severe epidemic, Tibetans were plunged into an abyss of misery and they led a very hard life. Fortunately, the compassionate Vajravarahi Buddha came to relieve them by dropping magic Dzi beads from the sky. Anyone who were predestined to obtain them would be relieved from disease, calamities and bad luck..

Many blessing you and your family.

Old Vintage Antique Gems Jewelry Beautiful Color Banded Agate Stone Bead Pendant    Old Vintage Antique Gems Jewelry Beautiful Color Banded Agate Stone Bead Pendant